Creado el 17/03/2016 y actualizado el 19/08/2022
image TASMAN


2525 Tasman Drive 95054
TASMAN 4; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 1; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 15; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 2; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 3; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 5; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 24; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 6; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 23; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 18; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 16; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 7; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 14; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 19; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 20; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 22; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 17; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 21; The station is located on the first level of the parking garage TASMAN 11; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 8; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 12; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 10; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 9; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage TASMAN 13; The station is located on the lower level of the parking garage


Consulta el estado de los puntos de carga en tiempo real en nuestra app.


Conectado a Electromaps
Muchas estaciones de carga requieren un pase o una app. El pase Electromaps te permite cargar tu vehículo eléctrico en un máximo de redes de carga.

TYPE 1 (SAE J1772)

20 kw
Funciona con Electropass


The map only shows the charging points of this location, if you want to see all of them and move freely, use our webapp


Te recomendamos que consultes las fotos y los comentarios proporcionados por nuestra comunidad, ya que ofrecen información útil sobre el estado del cargador. Una vez hayas finalizado la sesión de carga, prueba a añadir tus propios comentarios y fotos para ayudar a otros usuarios y conductores a la hora de decidir dónde y cómo realizar la próxima carga de su vehículo eléctrico.

Si TASMANno es el punto de carga que necesitas, comprueba en la parte inferior cuál es el punto de carga que está más cerca de tí en “puntos de carga más cercanos” y podrás ver un listado de otras estaciones de carga para vehículos eléctricos cercanas, así como si están en un parking, en superficie y la distancia en KM a la que están. 

En la parte de información de la estación de carga puedes consultar todo lo que necesites para cargar tu vehículo. La dirección exacta del punto de carga TASMAN está disponible, así como las indicaciones de acceso en coche al punto de carga, el precio de carga de esta estación y las instrucciones necesarias para que puedas realizar fácilmente la carga de tu vehículo.

Para conocer a tiempo real el estado de los puntos de carga enTASMAN Electromaps ofrece información acerca de los puntos de carga en tiempo real en la app.

Si este cargador de {city} no vale para tu coche, existen alternativas. Puedes consultar otros cargadores en TASMAN o ir a otras ciudades como  San Jose, Palo Alto, Mountain View, porque están cerca y se encuentran dentro de Santa Clara County.