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Después de 80 días y más de 25.000 kilómetros, los 11 equipos participantes del 80eDays, la vuelta al mundo en vehículos eléctricos, ya han llegado a Barcelona.

Gerard Campos
Sep 4, 2016

Aqui tendríamos que poner la parte de contenido del body del post que queremos que aparezca ANTES del banner.

We want you to enjoy the summer in the best possible way and we bring you a list of tips to prepare your electric vehicle trip this summer.

1. Prepare your electric vehicle for the trip

It is important that the vehicle in which you travel is in optimal driving conditions. So, although an electric car does not have oil changes, for example, there is certain maintenance that is very important to carry out, especially on the eve of long trips. We therefore recommend that you check the condition of the tyres, shock absorbers, brakes, pollen filter, light bulbs, or windshield wiper blades a few days before setting off on your journey.

Aqui tendríamos que poner la parte de contenido del body del post que queremos que aparezca DESPUES del banner.

1. Prepare your electric vehicle for the trip

It is important that the vehicle in which you travel is in optimal driving conditions. So, although an electric car does not have oil changes, for example, there is certain maintenance that is very important to carry out, especially on the eve of long trips. We therefore recommend that you check the condition of the tyres, shock absorbers, brakes, pollen filter, light bulbs, or windshield wiper blades a few days before setting off on your journey.

2. Know the autonomy of your vehicle

Familiarize yourself with the range of your electric vehicle and take this into account when planning your stops. Remember that autonomy depends on several factors, such as the orography of the terrain, the impact of heat on the battery of the electric car, the use of air conditioning (or heating in winter), the efficiency behind the wheel and other factors.

Gerard Campos
Sep 4, 2016

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