Parking nucli de Beuda is a charging station located in Bauda, Girona. This charging station has a total of 2, of which 0 are fast charge connectors.
It was added on 03/01/2017and last updated on 29/11/2021.
We recommend that you consult the photos and comments posted by our community, as they provide useful information about the charger's condition. Once your charging session is over, you can add your own comments and photos to help other users and drivers decide where and how to charge their electric vehicle next time.
Parking nucli de Beuda isn't the charging point you need, check at the bottom of the page for your nearest charging point under "nearest charging points" and you'll see a list of other electric vehicle charging points nearby, along with their location in a parking lot, above ground and their distance in KM.
In the charging station information section, you can view everything you need to charge your vehicle. The exact address of the charging point Parking nucli de Beuda is available, as well as directions on how to get there, the price of charging at this point and instructions on how to easily charge your vehicle.
For real-time status of charging points in Bauda, Electromaps provides real-time charging point information in the application.
If this
Bauda charger isn't right for your car, there are other solutions. You can check out other chargers in
Bauda or travel to other cities such as
Unknown city (temporary), as they are nearby and located in
fuera de servicio los dos cargadores
funciona perfectament, tot i que un incívic no elèctric hi ha aparcat. Cal vigilar amb el tema de l'endoll. jo en tinc un de 90 graus i no hi he pogut endollar. Ha de ser recte. M'ha salvat l'allargament que duc sempre al cotxe.
CAT: Efectivament tenen una targeta a l'Ajuntament i una altra al restaurant. El punt funciona però m'ha costat una mica que ho fes. He hagut d'insistir tres vegades amb la targeta i endollar i desendollar fins que hi ha hagut electricitat. Si no funciona desendolleu-lo. Heu d'esperar que el llum deixi de ser vermell i tornar a passar la targeta. Aquest model de poste Simón no és gaire còmode pel carregador del Leaf, ja que és molt fondo i poc ample, s'ha d'endollar al revés i es força una mica el cable. ESP: Funciona pero he tenido que insistir tres veces passando la tarjeta y enchufando y volviendo a enchufar. El poste es un poco incómodo para cargador de Leaf ya que es fondo y poco alto y se fuerza un poco el cable.