Endesa CPO Carretera de Barcelona, 57, 17500 Ripoll, Girona, Spain is a charging station located in Agafallops, Girona. This charging station has a total of 6, of which 4 are fast charge connectors.
It was added on 15/11/2024and last updated on 31/12/2024.
We recommend that you consult the photos and comments posted by our community, as they provide useful information about the charger's condition. Once your charging session is over, you can add your own comments and photos to help other users and drivers decide where and how to charge their electric vehicle next time.
Endesa CPO Carretera de Barcelona, 57, 17500 Ripoll, Girona, Spain isn't the charging point you need, check at the bottom of the page for your nearest charging point under "nearest charging points" and you'll see a list of other electric vehicle charging points nearby, along with their location in a parking lot, above ground and their distance in KM.
In the charging station information section, you can view everything you need to charge your vehicle. The exact address of the charging point Endesa CPO Carretera de Barcelona, 57, 17500 Ripoll, Girona, Spain is available, as well as directions on how to get there, the price of charging at this point and instructions on how to easily charge your vehicle.
For real-time status of charging points in Agafallops, Electromaps provides real-time charging point information in the application.
If this
Agafallops charger isn't right for your car, there are other solutions. You can check out other chargers in
Agafallops or travel to other cities such as
La Jonquera,
Platja d'Aro, as they are nearby and located in
bé. molt ràpid
ha funcionado bie la rapida a 50Kw
al introduir mètode de pagament sembla que comenci a carregar i als pocs segons queda tot bloquejat i no es carrega. Molt malament
Està fora de servei
Al iniciar la carga me dio un error y se quedó fuera de servicio
Al intentar iniciar la carga con el CCS se para sin llegar a cargar nada.
Carga a 11kW
CCS2 Da error al comenzar la Recarga y se Bloquea
No funciona cap dels 2 connectors
Toma AC carregant correctament a 22Kw
En manteniment des de fa una setmana! La companyia desconeix quan tornerà a funcionar
No acaba d’arrencar per carregar i dona error
Segueix sense funcionar
No funciona, accepta la Tarja com inici, però no connecta amb cotxe
Diuen que està en "Mantenimiento". Espero que no sigui per sempre.
EndesaX l'ha suprimit de la seva aplicació. En breu la desmuntaran.
Anul•lada per manteniment, fins hi tot en la web d'Endesa X
no funciona
Segueix en manteniment. No es pot carregar
Punto en mantenimiento y sin funcionar, un desastre perpetrado por Endesa, es una red totalmente a evitar
Segueix sense funcionar, una vergonya, ajuntament de Ripoll que espereu
Tot genial! Gracies Endesa X
Les dos zones d’apacament molt reduides, un cotxe de tamany normal queda fora o ocupa les dos places. No he pogut carregar no funciona app. Un desastre.
no se conecta con la tarjeta libe ni con la tarjeta de Girona
algú hi ha carregat fent servir la App? Jo no me n'he pas sortit. Em podeu ajudar? Merci
avui 23 d'octubre no està connectat.
NO FUNCIONA NADA. UN DESASTRE. El único punto rápido de la zona..... llevo dos semanas en coche eléctrico y empiezo a pensar si hice bien....
Ja funciona!!! Dsd App JuicePass!