Loon Lake Rest Area

Created at 19/10/2020 and updated at 30/07/2021
image Loon Lake Rest Area


Shrimpton Forest service Road V0E
Take Loon Lake Road Exit, then go South on Shrimpton Service Rd. The Rest Area will be on the righthand side of Shrimpton Service Rd.
The charging stations are currently free and do not require a network membership to use. Please be advised: we have had reported issues between Mitsubishi Outlanders and the Delta CHAdeMO connectors and are investigating with both manufacturers. In the interim, it is suggested that Outlanders use the Level 2 station. --- To use: 1. Ensure no error messages are displayed on the 25 kW units. Error code 00400a is from the Emergency Stop Button being pressed. Please reset the button (turn red knob on side of charging station) and you should be able to use the station. To reset the language, press the button on the right (blue) to scroll through language options. Please do not press the button unless it is an emergency. 2. Choose the correct connector and plug your vehicle in. 3. Vehicle should now be charging. Stations are free and no network membership (card, etc.) is required. 4. To stop your charging session, press the stop button per screen instructions (left button). Disconnect your vehicle. If other vehicles are waiting, please limit your charging to 40 minutes or 80%, whichever comes first. DCFCs are 25 kW as only single phase power is available at this location (50 kW+ requires three phase power). Charging stations are provided by the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. For general comments or inquiries please contact: 778-974-5469 or transportationclimateaction@gov.bc.ca. To report damage or equipment malfunction at this location, please contact: Westcana Electric Inc. 1-866-349-4555 (24 hours)


Sehen Sie den Status der Ladepunkte in Echtzeit in unserer App.


Viele Ladestationen erfordern einen Pass oder eine Anmeldung. Der Electropass-Schlüsselanhänger ist eine universelle Zugangslösung, mit der Ihrem Elektrofahrzeug ein Maximum an Ladenetzen zur Verfügung steht. Fahren Sie jederzeit, wohin Sie wollen.


25 kw
Works with the Electropass


25 kw
Works with the Electropass

TYPE 1 (SAE J1772)

12 kw
Works with the Electropass


The map only shows the charging points of this location, if you want to see all of them and move freely, use our webapp


Loon Lake Rest Area e ist eine Ladestation in Unknown city (temporary), Thompson-Nicola Diese Ladestation hat insgesamt 5 Anschlüsse und
0davon sind für das Schnellladen.
Sie wurde am 19/10/2020 hinzugefügt und zuletzt am 30/07/2021
Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich die Bilder und Kommentare unserer Community anzusehen, da sie hilfreiche Informationen über den Zustand des Ladegeräts liefern. Versuchen Sie gerne, Ihre eigenen Kommentare und Fotos hinzuzufügen, um den anderen Nutzern zu helfen.
Wenn dieses Ladegerät in Unknown city (temporary)nicht für Ihr Fahrzeug geeignet ist, gibt es Alternativen. Sie können andere Ladestationen in Unknown city (temporary) überprüfen oder in andere Städte wie Merritt, Clearwater, Kamloops, fahren, da diese in der Nähe und in Thompson-Nicola.