SW IL COLLEGE és una estació de càrrega situada a Belleville,St. Clair County. Aquesta estació de càrrega té {number of connectors} connectors en total, dels quals 0 són de càrrega ràpida.
Es va afegir el dia 17/03/2016 i es va actualitzar per darrer cop el dia 06/08/2024.
Et recomanem que consultis les fotos i els comentaris proporcionats per la nostra comunitat, ja que ofereixen informació útil sobre l'estat del carregador. Prova d'afegir-hi els teus propis comentaris i fotosper ajudar altres usuaris.
Si aquest carregador situat a
Belleville no va bé per al teu cotxe, hi ha alternatives. Pots consultar altres carregadors a
Belleville o en ciutats properes de la mateixa zona
Port Huron,
Saint Clair,
Fairview Heights
Although station #1 is still offline, station #2 is working fine.5
Station #2 has a problem. Reported the error to chargepoint. Was able to charge at another unit on sight.
Charging Station #1 has been replaced with a more modern model, so the charge cables for station #1 are in good shape and no longer stick in the holsters.
The cables at Station #2 are also rather sticky. So the cables have to be pried loose. But the station does work. I'm using it even as I post this. It seems that only the cable at Station #3 works without a hitch.
Both the chargers on Station #1 are sticking in the holsters, so they are difficult to get out. I have sometimes used a pocket knife blade to lift the latch.